1. This hair tonic is especially good for dry hair. 这种护发素对干燥的头发特别有用。
2. The nutritional value of milk is a high tonic, Haikou, Hainan's first canning factory "natural coconut juice" is formed by the milk processing. 椰奶是一种营养价值很高的滋补品,海南海口罐头厂首创的“天然椰子汁”就是由椰奶加工而成的。
3. Now when I give a woman a simple tonic where a good bracing set of exercises would do just as well, I collect a fantastic fee and am a success. 现在我给一个女人一剂简单的补药,其实她好好地做一套振作精神的体操也一样地有用,我敲一笔竹杠却大为得法。
1. lime- or lemon-flavored carbonated water containing quinine
2. a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring
3. (music) the first note of a diatonic scale
4. a medicine that strengthens and invigorates adj.
1. of or relating to or producing normal tone or tonus in muscles or tissue
2. employing variations in pitch to distinguish meanings of otherwise similar words
3. used of syllables
4. relating to or being the keynote of a major or minor scale
5. imparting vitality and energy