1. Her shriek was dulled by the loud crash of thunder. 她的尖叫声在震耳的雷声中变得低沉了。
2. To myself, I had to admit that I had been dulled by my own insensitivity. 对于我自己,我不得不承认,我一直被自己的不敏感麻木着。
3. Green Democrats are wary of nuclear, but the edge of their worry has been dulled by the even greater worry over climate change. 倡导环保的民主党人在核能问题上慎之又慎,但与对气候变化更大的担忧相比,这就相形见绌了。
1. having lost or been caused to lose interest because of overexposure
2. made dull or blunt
3. deprived of color