1. Maples make those little whirlybird seeds you see spiraling down in droves each spring. 每到春天你都能看见大量的枫树种子像一架架小小的直升机盘旋而下。
2. Maples make those little whirlybird seeds you see spiraling down in droves each spring. Their papery little wings keep them aloft so they can find a good place to germinate and make a new maple. 正如你所看到的,每个春天枫树的翅果都会大批地盘旋而下,它们纸一样的薄翅能够使自己停留在高处,这样它们就能找到一个适合生根发芽的好地方了。
1. an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades