1. I suppose I don't regret loving him; I only regret being in a world where unconditioned love is almost like a fairy tale. 我想我并不对我对他的爱感到后悔,我只后悔生活在这个无条件的爱就像童话一样虚幻的世界里。
2. To cause an organism to respond in a specific manner to a conditioned stimulus in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus. '条件反射'。''使某器官对某一特定方式起反映的特性在该方式消失时仍然有效。
3. A reduction or a loss in the strength or rate of a conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus or reinforcement is withheld. '条件反射'。''减弱当''。'非'。''条件的刺激或强化停止时,条件反应的速度或力度的减少或丧失。
1. without conditions or limitations
2. not established by conditioning or learning