1. He received a public censure for his dishonourable behavior. 他因为不名誉的行为受到了公众的谴责。
2. Jay Gatsby, despite his huge house, his lavish parties, and his mysteriously dishonourable sources of income, is primarily a spokesman for youth. 查伊?盖茨比虽然宅第广阔,夜宴豪华,财富的来源神密而不正当,他所代表的还是青春。
3. Well, my daughter is about to be married. As the wife of the man she loves, she will enter a respectable family which requires that there should be nothing dishonourable in my house. 现在我的女儿快要结婚了,她要嫁给她心爱的男人,她要走进一个体面的家庭,这个家庭希望能门当户对。
1. lacking honor or integrity; deserving dishonor
2. not adhering to ethical or moral principles
3. morally unacceptable