curve 指变成曲线或弧线状的动作或状态。 bend 普通用词,指把某物变成曲线或角形。用于人时,指头部或身躯弯下。 bow 指把头部或上身弯向前方的动作,也指社交中的礼节性动作。 crook 指不规则的弯曲,也指按照规则或模型弯曲某物。 twist 指通过转动、拧或扭使某物成弯曲状。
1. She twisted many threads to make this rope. 她用许多条线搓成这条绳子。
2. Twist the knob to the right setting. 把旋钮拧到适当的定位挡上。
3. Twist and Shout! 扭摆与呼喊!
1. an unforeseen development
2. an interpretation of a text or action
3. any clever maneuver
4. the act of rotating rapidly
5. a sharp strain on muscles or ligaments
6. a sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight
7. a circular segment of a curve
8. a miniature whirlpool or whirlwind resulting when the current of a fluid doubles back on itself
9. a jerky pulling movement
10. a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair
11. social dancing in which couples vigorously twist their hips and arms in time to the music; was popul
12. the act of winding or twisting
13. turning or twisting around (in place) v.
1. to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling)
2. cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form
3. turn in the opposite direction
4. form into a spiral shape
5. form into twists
6. extend in curves and turns
7. do the twist
8. twist or pull violently or suddenly, especially so as to remove (something) from that to which it is
9. practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive
10. twist suddenly so as to sprain