eat 普通用词,使用广泛。既可用于人,也可用于动物。 dine 正式用词,既可指一日三餐中的任何一餐,也可以指特殊的用餐。 have 可与eat换用,但强调一次性的动作。 consume 侧重痛痛快快地吃得一干二净,可用于人和动物。 devour 指狼吞虎咽地吃,强调吃得既快又彻底。 gorge 侧重指拼命地吃或塞,强调吃饱或吃得过量。 swallow 主要指吃的整个过程的第二部分“咽”,并常指咀嚼得匆匆忙忙地吃。
1. He contracted his brows and swallowed medicine down. 他皱了皱眉头,然后一口把药水喝了下去。
2. Swallow can help peasants kill pests. 燕子能帮助农民消灭害虫。
3. One night there flew over the city a little swallow. 一天晚上一只小燕子从城市的上空飞过。
1. a small amount of liquid food
2. the act of swallowing
3. small long-winged songbird noted for swift graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations v.
1. pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking
2. engulf and destroy
3. enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing
4. utter indistinctly
5. take back what one has said
6. keep from expressing
7. tolerate or accommodate oneself to
8. believe or accept without questioning or challenge