eat 普通用词,使用广泛。既可用于人,也可用于动物。 dine 正式用词,既可指一日三餐中的任何一餐,也可以指特殊的用餐。 have 可与eat换用,但强调一次性的动作。 consume 侧重痛痛快快地吃得一干二净,可用于人和动物。 devour 指狼吞虎咽地吃,强调吃得既快又彻底。 gorge 侧重指拼命地吃或塞,强调吃饱或吃得过量。 swallow 主要指吃的整个过程的第二部分“咽”,并常指咀嚼得匆匆忙忙地吃。
1. The children have been eating away for more than an hour. 孩子们一直吃了一个多钟头。
2. No. I eat enough in the fall. 没有。我秋天吃了足够的食物。
3. We eat every part of the animal. 我们吃遍动物的每一个部位。
1. take in solid food
2. eat a meal; take a meal
3. take in food; used of animals only
4. use up (resources or materials)
5. worry or cause anxiety in a persistent way
6. cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid