1. We Specialise In: Stainless Steel Works, e. g. Gate, Grill Fences. 专营:白钢栏杆,楼梯扶手,篱笆门,等一切工程。
2. So we went to a firm of consultants who specialise in helping small businesses, and it proved a turning point. 所以我们去找了专门帮助小企业的咨询公司,事后证明那是一个转折点。
3. This is because a globally integrated economy allows low-wage countries to specialise in labour-intensive tasks . 这是因为全球经济一体化让低收入国家可以从事劳动密集型产业。
1. devote oneself to a special area of work
2. be specific about
3. suit to a special purpose
4. become more special
5. evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment