1. This article divides the reason of out-zone sale in this company into the objective reason and the subjective reason. 本文认为兰悉多产品发生窜货的原因可以分为客观原因和主观原因。
2. The reason behind that is they are called social networks for a reason and you need a bunch of people to take interest in your story before it will go out and spread into the wider community. 社会性网络之所以叫社会性网络,是需要一大群人,在你的文章发布之前就对此感兴趣,并散播到更广阔的社区中。
3. Breakage of forest resources has several reason, The recognized reason by the masses is cultivation. 森林是陆地生态系统的主体,深层原因却是木材资源的匮缺。
4. She said this boy came from the same neighborhood as the Casablanca suicide bombers, but that perhaps now, the youth had a reason to live rather than a reason to die. 她说这个男孩与卡萨布兰卡自杀爆炸案的嫌犯是同乡,然而现在的情形是,这个小伙子有理由好好地过日子而非自取灭亡。
5. For this reason, so you see, in this world to compete for the same reason the same thing with how things are commonplace. 正因如此,所以你去看,在这个世界上,以同一个理由争夺同一样东西的事情是多么地司空见惯。
in reason with reason 合理;
in reason with reason 合理;
Study the structural relation of science reason and value reason 下一篇论文: 科学理性与价值理性的结构关系研究;
cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out 删去;
cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out 删去;