1. Hanging Gardens of Babylon (also known as the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis) and the walls of Babylon (present-day Iraq) were considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. 巴比伦的空中花园(也被称为塞米拉米空中花园)和巴比伦的城墙(今伊拉克)被认为是世界七大奇观之一。
3. In order to show his good play, Avia Jie Dong has also been hanging on to the Department of hanging out, eating a lot of suffering. 为了演好打戏,董洁还被系上威亚吊来吊去,吃了不少苦头。
4. For harbors: loading and unloading hanging screen group-shaping screen cover screen for goods safety screen hanging network etc. 港口类:装卸吊网、成组网络、货物罩网、安全网、吊带网络等系列;
5. Instead of hanging drop culture, the non-hanging drop open culture has been used in culture of DRG from chicken embryo to simplify the operation and improve the culture methods. 本研究针对悬滴培养法在操作和应用上存在的问题和局限性,改用操作简便、适用范围广的非悬滴开放式培养法培养鸡胚背根节。
drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail 放下;
drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail 放下;
disassembly knock down strip take down take-down tear down teardown 拆卸;
disassembly knock down strip take down take-down tear down teardown 拆卸;
disassembly knock down strip take down take-down tear down teardown 拆卸;