1. They viewed these plans as an attempt to take a profitable market from Britain. 他们认为这些计划是企图从英国夺取一个有利的市场。
2. Now this seems to me to be a very profitable approach, not just to art but to the history of philosophy. 现在,在我看来,这是一个很管用的方法,不仅就艺术而言是这样,就哲学史而言也是这样。
3. When we met a week later he reported that he had four profitable days out of five and was profitable overall. 一周以后,当我们再次碰面时,他报告说他在五天中已经有四天赢利,并且总体是赢利的。
1. yielding material gain or profit
2. promoting benefit or gain
3. providing profit
4. productive of profit