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    1. Promoting management efficiency is always a big concern either to profit-making or non-profit-making organizations.
    2. Analyses about VC show that VC can monopolize the market to a certain extent by making innovation , meanwhile get Windfall Profit with high risk in the process of making innovation.
    3. Receipts, costs and the composition of profit shall be grouped and itemized in the profit statement.
    4. The plan is broad way of investment but profit growth in prosperous economy induce investors to sell stock for gaining profit. Consequently they diverge from the way of long-term investment.
    5. It has been suggested that some quick printing shop membership card after processing by profit accounted for quick printing shop total profit of 70%.


    retain varying portions of profit over and above the assigned profit norm
    Profit by Timing Marketing border Lag Profit Marketing
    整时销售” 与“晚盈利”;
    bona-fide non-profit-making organisation
    真正非牟利团体 文康体育;
    Regulations Governing the Restriction on the Persons or Representatives of Profit-Making-Enterprise Defaulting on Tax Payments to Apply for Exit Permit
    non-profit making
    不赚钱的; 非牟利 工业贸易; 非营利性;
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