1. Sorry, but no sympathy from me on your plight here. 抱歉,你从我这里得不到任何对你的情况的同情。
2. With the clear perception of my plight , there fell upon me a blackness of despair. 我清楚地感觉到自己危险的境况,眼前出现的将是一片绝望的黑暗。
3. His words may spell trouble for the local Uighurs, whose plight has roused the sympathy of Muslims from across the Middle East. 他的话可能会给当地的维吾尔人招致麻烦,他们的困境已经唤起了中东穆斯林的同情。
1. a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one
2. a solemn pledge of fidelity v.
1. give to in marriage
2. promise solemnly and formally