hire 普通用词,常指短期或长期雇用某人从事某一特定工作或一次性的工作,含强调为薪金而工作的意味。 employ 正式用词,侧重受雇者虽为薪金而工作,但工作固定共享有相当尊严。 engage 可与hire换用,特指雇用专业人员。
1. She engaged herself to repay her debt within two months. 她答应在两个月内偿还她的债务。
2. Engage a shy person in conversation. 使害羞的人加入了交谈。
3. This wheel engage with that wheel and turns it. 这个轮子与那个轮子啮合,并使它转动。
1. carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in
2. engage or engross wholly
3. engage or hire for work
4. ask to represent; of legal counsel
5. give to in marriage
6. get caught
7. carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns)
8. hire for work or assistance
9. engage for service under a term of contract
10. keep engaged