1. If the creature hits a magical effect or magic item with this narrowed eye ray, it disjoins the effect or item as if it had cast Mordenkainen's disjunction on the effect or item. 如果以这条射线射中某魔法效果或者魔法物品,则效果如同将魔邓肯裂解术施放在该效果或物体上一样将其裂解。
2. Use this page to change the display settings associated with this news item. Click the tabs above to change other settings related to this item. 使用此页面可更改与此新闻项目关联的显示设置。单击上面的标签可更改与此项目相关的其他设置。
3. Items with poor quality were deleted, and the final number of the achievement test was 106 with the average item difficulty of . 53 and the average item discrimination of . 50. 经淘汰与修改难度、鑑别度不佳之试题,最后形成106题标准化国中音乐乐理成就测验,总平均难度为。53,总平均鑑别度为。50。
4. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a move action, but it does not provoke the attacks of opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does. 自便利袋中取出特殊物品是一个移动动作,但是这样的取出物品动作,不会引发机会攻击。
5. Most noticeably, incrementing the item margin will add space between the focus rectangle and the item data. 最容易注意到的是,增加条目边距将增加焦点矩形框和条目数据之间的间距。
item by item comparison 逐项比较;
item by item 逐条;
item by item comparison 逐项比较;
item by item method 逐项法;
item by item sequential inspection 逐项顺序检验,逐次序贯检查,逐个顺序检验;