1. Does Einstein Believe in Telepathy and Spiritualism? 爱因斯坦相信传心术和唯灵论吗?
2. Buddhist Gallery established since year 2006 to promote "Art is the expression of life as Buddhist spiritualism is the art of living". 艺廊成立于2006年,一个以“提倡正信佛教,打造心灵空间”为营运概念的文化道场。
3. Spiritualism came in the wake of the inventions of the telegraph and telephone that made it possible to send messages over long distances. 灵性论的出现,正好遇上电报和电话的发明,使长距离通讯成为可能。
1. (theology) any doctrine that asserts the separate existence of God
2. the belief that the spirits of dead people can communicate with people who are still alive (especial
3. concern with things of the spirit