1. Do you yearn for intimate relationships yet feel that you are too socially inept to obtain them? 你会渴望亲密的关系只因为你觉得自己在社交上太笨拙而无法获得吗?
2. In fact, those people who were most inept were also the most likely to overestimate their abilities. 事实上,这些不称职的员工正是最可能过高估计自身能力的人。
3. Unable to find his way home, Goku turns to a kind but inept mechanic named Sembei Norimaki for help with his broken Dragon Radar. 找不到回家的路,小悟空只好拿着他坏掉的龙珠雷达去找心地善良而又笨手笨脚的则卷千兵卫博士帮忙。
1. not elegant or graceful in expression
2. generally incompetent and ineffectual
3. revealing lack of perceptiveness or judgment or finesse