1. Be in love with bar from now on, inebriate but return night after night and greatly. 从此以后爱上酒馆,夜夜大醉而归。
2. He a fondness for pop music a the beginning is just for relaxing the oneself, arrive afterwards could be if inebriate such as 痴 . 他对流行音乐的爱好一开始只是为了放松自己,到后来可以说是如醉如痴。
3. Make open sexy, release the female magic power, will let your alive with movement in true person on display, do female who appreciate the beautiful curve inebriate the person. 张扬性感、释放着女性的魅力,将让你在充满动感的真人展示中,尽赏女性醉人的曲线美。
1. a chronic drinker
2. fill with sublime emotion; tickle pink
3. make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)
4. become drunk or drink excessively