1. Red can hit a target only for clearance, the first hit 1000, increase incentives for a hit on each doubled! 只有连续击中靶子红心才能过关,第一次击中得1000分,每连续增加一次击中就奖励翻倍!
2. Red can hit a target only for clearance, the first hit 1000, increase incentives for a hit on each doubled! 只有连续击中靶子红心才能过关,第一次击中得1000分,每连续增加一次击中就奖励翻倍!
3. Hit-the-spot. Hit, h-i-t. The spot, s-p-o-t. For example, if you are hungry and go eat you could say, "That food really hit the spot. "" 嗯~,在中文里也有这个说法哦.肚子非常饿的时候去吃饭,吃饱了就感到心满意足.疑?那~,洗个热水澡真痛快,那该怎麽说呢?
4. Hit-the-spot. Hit, h-i-t. ? The spot, s-p-o-t. For example, if you are hungry and go eat you could say, "That food really hit the spot. "" 嗯~,在中文里也有这个说法哦。肚子非常饿的时候去吃饭,吃饱了就感到心满意足。疑?那~,洗个热水澡真痛快,那该怎麽说呢?
5. Pocket dress pants and golf shoes beauty freely, hit the dustbin, in the litter box in the hit to break the window, or hit the gas tank has scores of awards. 穿着袋状裤和高尔夫球鞋自由挥洒,击中垃圾桶,在垃圾中击中箱子,打破窗玻璃,或者击中瓦斯罐都有分数奖励。
chance on hit hit on hit upon stumble across stumble upon 偶然发现;
chance on hit hit on hit upon stumble across stumble upon 偶然发现;
chance on hit hit on hit upon stumble across stumble upon 偶然发现;
hit the needle hit the right nail on the head strike home went home 击中要害;