1. Of course I spoil your flirtation, or whatever it is you call it, with your cousin. 当然,我妨碍你跟你的表妹调笑取乐,或者随你叫它什么都成。
2. One cabinet showcases the media coverage Haider's calculated flirtation with Nazi rhetoric and populist grandstanding whipped up over the years. 其中一个板块展示了媒体报道算起来海德尔掀起纳粹的华丽辞藻和民粹主义的哗众取宠有多年了。
3. Helen and Thomas are only "together" for a few weeks, definitely less than three. They had a few weeks of flirtation before that, but that's all. 和T“在一起”也就几周,肯定少于三周。他们之前有几周时间眉来眼去的,不过,那也就是眉来眼去一下而已。
1. playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest