1. Learn to be mischievous and coquetry. 学会恰到好处地撒娇调皮。
2. She now turned and looked upon him in full, the instincts of self-protection and coquetry mingling confusedly in her brain. 现在她转过身来,面对着他,脑子里''。'自卫'。''的意识和女性调情的''。'本能'。''乱哄哄地混杂在一起。
3. A kid, I especially like the knees of their parents wanton coquetry, and her mother talk about my "little secret", but now I will never do it. 小时侯,我还特喜欢在父母的膝头肆意撒娇,和妈妈说说我的“小秘密”,而现在的我再也不会这么做了。
1. playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest