1. Her new filmy have a lot of exposure on television recently. 她的新影片最近在电视上做了大量宣传。
2. Choose relaxed silhouettes likegauze sundresses, filmy camisolesor breezy skirts. Avoid too-tight anything: it's unbearable in the heat. 选择宽松的太阳裙,朦胧的薄纱背心,凉风习习的裙子。这是难以忍受的炎热天气。
3. "We are looking for a combination of voices certain flavor, " said Shailesh Kapoor, Filmy's content marketing head, said late on Wednesday. 电影娱乐频道内容及市场总监沙依莱什·卡布于本周三晚些时候说:“要的是声音与特色的结合。”