1. Solubilizer for perfume oils, perfumes and ethereal oils. O/W – emulsifier for special emulsions. 香油、香精和醚化油的增溶剂及特制水包油乳剂的乳化剂。
2. It lacked the intensely blue atmosphere of the rival vale , and its heavy soils and scents; the new air was clear, bracing, ethereal. 它没有和它匹敌的那个谷里那样蓝蔚的大气,那样浓重的土壤和气息。它的空气清新,爽利,飘渺,空灵。
3. It may be that among them a more fervid Keats, a more ethereal Shelley has already published numbers the world will willingly remember. 他们当中可能有一位更炽情的济慈或者更一尘不染的雪莱,而且已经发表了世界将长久记忆的诗篇。
1. characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air
2. of or containing or dissolved in ether
3. of heaven or the spirit
4. characterized by unusual lightness and delicacy