dark 最普通用词,指缺乏自然光线或人工照明,使某物漆黑无光或光线十分微弱。 dim 指光线不足或视力较差,不能清晰地看见物体。 black 侧重颜色是黑色的,有时也指无光的黑暗。 gloomy 指光线不足或部分光线受阻而出现的阴暗。 obscure 指因光线不充足而使物体灰暗不清,失去光泽或若隐若现。作借喻时指因复杂、深奥或含糊而难于理解。 vague 通常作借喻用,形容抽象事物。 grey 与dark意思相近,但侧重阴暗单调的意味。
1. The optimists see light in the dark. 乐观的人在黑暗中看见光明。
2. The dark sun rises. 待到暗日升起时。
3. After all, the dark woman resumed her conversation. “毕竟”,深色皮肤的女子恢复了谈话。
1. absence of light or illumination
2. absence of moral or spiritual values
3. an unilluminated area
4. the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside
5. an unenlightened state adj.
1. devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black
2. (used of color) having a dark hue
3. brunet (used of hair or skin or eyes)
4. stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable
5. causing dejection
6. secret
7. showing a brooding ill humor
8. lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture
9. marked by difficulty of style or expression
10. having skin rich in melanin pigments
11. not giving performances; closed
Dark 暗黑战士;
Dark Strokes 深色线条;