boast 普通用词,指对自己所做的事,自己的长处、财富以及家庭等的夸耀,常含言过其实的意味。 brag 非正式用词,其夸耀和吹嘘意味强于boast,到了过分夸大,有时令人讨厌的地步。 crow 多指大声吵嚷地吹嘘,夸耀自己做某事比他人做得好。 pride 与boast的意义较接近,指炫耀、夸口,自鸣得意,常与反身代词连用。
1. We see a crow on the roof. 我们看到一只乌鸦在屋顶上。
2. The crow even shed tears. 乌鸦甚至流下了眼泪。
3. Ms. Crow sees the cheese. 乌鸦女士看见了奶酪。
1. black birds having a raucous call
2. the cry of a cock (or an imitation of it)
3. a member of the Siouan people formerly living in eastern Montana
4. a small quadrilateral constellation in the southern hemisphere near Virgo
5. an instance of boastful talk
6. a Siouan language spoken by the Crow v.
1. dwell on with satisfaction
2. express pleasure verbally
3. utter shrill sounds