1. But, do not make mistake when someone wants to borrow it, at the same time you are unbinding your wristband! 不过要是有人向你借而你却要解腰带,千万别让人误会啊!
2. Laura: It's a UV wristband. Expose it to the sun, and it turns purple. Then put it on your wrist at the same time you apply sunscreen. 这是紫外线测试手带。把它暴露在阳光下,它会变成紫色。当你涂上防晒乳的同时,把它带在手腕上。
3. All-you-can-eat ticket holders get a special wristband that allows unlimited trips to a cash-free concession stand, avoiding a wait in long lines. 购买「吃到饱」门票的观众会拿到一个特殊的手环,可以无限次光顾免付现金的小吃摊,免受大排长龙之苦。
1. band consisting of a part of a sleeve that covers the wrist
2. a band of cloth or leather or metal links attached to a wristwatch and wrapped around the wrist