1. Aethereally completely burdens of life is unthinkable, because that is the burden of having to bid farewell farewell real life. 完全没有负担的轻飘生活是不可想象的,因为告别负担亦即离别真实的生活。
2. "Farewell, then, farewell, you good, pretty little maiden, " said the swallow; and he flew out into the sunshine. “那么再会吧,再会吧,你这善良的、可爱的姑娘!”燕子说。于是他就向太阳飞去。
3. Not nostalgia, not sad, but would like to bid farewell to a period of time no longer belongs to them, bid farewell to the previous scene scene. 不是留恋,不是伤感,只是想告别一段不再属于自己的时光,告别一幕一幕不堪回首的从前。
4. At the contradiction of word form and word content, word form dominates word. 在词的形式和内容这对矛盾中,形式规定着词的本质;
5. Seeing a word, hearing a word, saying a word and writing a word helps to make it part of your active vocabulary. 能够识别、听懂、口、笔头运用一个单词,才能说你掌握了它。