1. Wealthy person is fraught, how is cottier also does not know good, be forced to look for village everybody search looks for pocket watch, turn over barn, but pocket watch still disappears. 有钱人心急如焚,佃农也不知如何是好,只好去把村里所有人找来搜找怀表,翻遍谷仓,但是怀表依然不见踪影。
2. Advertisement watch, Gift watch, Pocket watch. 广告表、礼品表、袋表。
3. Advertisement watch, Gift watch, Pocket watch. 广告表、礼品表、袋表。
4. Lee Go Industrial Company - Watches manufacturer and exporter of quartz analog watch, pocket watch, premium watch and miniature analog clock. 溢亿实业公司-生产金箔,油压,腐蚀,搪瓷,相纸,柯色,立体,啤凸及碳织维表面。
5. Lee Go Industrial Company - Watches manufacturer and exporter of quartz analog watch, pocket watch, premium watch and miniature analog clock. 溢亿实业公司-生产金箔,油压,腐蚀,搪瓷,相纸,柯色,立体,啤凸及碳织维表面。