1. Yet look in the periphery of such allegorical tales and you can find some surprisingly accurate vaticination. 不过在此类讽喻性质的科幻小说中的一些细枝末节里你却能够发现一些预测惊人的准确。
2. Last year, one of the neighbouring countries elected a new president. A good friend of mine asked me how to "read" this new president. So I looked at his "fortune", using "scientific vaticination". 这位新总统的脑部特殊活跃区吸引不了我的兴趣,我注意的是这位新总统脑部的『说谎区』及『压力区』一点动静也没有,当时我给好朋友的回信是这样子写的。
1. knowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)