1. Untitled (Zimbabwean Queen of Rave). 2005. by Dan Halter(South Africa) 3 min, 33 sec. 《无题(津巴布韦女王的咆哮)》2005,丹
2. I express a lot of happiness that my lotus (untitled-images) in the "Well" is able to spread the fragrance of life. 我希望作品中能够表达许多幸福感,正如我在<井>中放置的莲花(无标题的图像),所能散播出的生命芬芳。
3. The front man said that the band were excited about one currently untitled track in particular, Yahoo News reports. 据雅虎新闻报道,这位主唱说乐队为当前他们正在制作的、还未起好名字的一首歌感到很兴奋。
1. not having a title or name
2. not of the nobility