1. He's a person of noble nature and unsullied character. 他是一个品性高洁的人。
2. Holy girl's image( takes" book of other provinces" as an example) is beautiful and noble and unsullied, frees from philistinism intelligently , Make people respect. 圣女形象(以《外省书》为例)则是美丽高洁、聪颖脱俗,令人敬慕。
3. "Ye shall be witnesses unto Me" - that means a life of unsullied, uncompromising and unbribed devotion to the Lord Jesus, a satisfaction to Him wherever He places us. "你们要做我的见证"--这是指自觉自愿,不妥协,未被玷污的对主耶稣的忠心,无论祂把我们放在哪里都使祂心满意足。
1. spotlessly clean and fresh
2. of reputation