1. Eat low-sodium foods: Raw almonds, fruits, vegetables, other unsalted nuts. 多吃低盐食品,如:生杏仁、水果、蔬以及其他一些未经腌制的坚果。
2. Cook them in fresh unsalted water with no seasonings at all until they are tender. 并用新鲜的水去煮--不添加任何佐料,直至豆类变得软熟。
3. Now, It has been found that the effective method to develop the saline soils is to grow the salt-adaptive crops rather than improve saline soil to unsalted soils. 现在,人们已经发现开发盐碱地的有效措施是栽培盐适应作物,而不是将盐碱化土壤改良成非盐渍化土壤。