1. Question 96: What particular use is there of the moral law to unregenerate men? 问题96:对未重生的人,道德律有什麽特别的用处?
2. It is the self-centred spirit of an unregenerate unsaved world outside of Christ. 简单来说,凡是在这个未得着基督救恩的世界里,以自我中心的心态来过活,就是「爱世界」。
3. He who had wrought her undoing was now on the side of the Spirit, while she remained unregenerate. 他本是给她带来祸根的人,现在却站在了神灵那一边,而她本是受害的人,现在灵魂却还没有得到新生。
1. tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield
2. not reformed morally or spiritually
3. unrepentant and incapable of being reformed