1. The unoccupied house started to decay. 无人住的房子开始败落。
2. When it expands, it does not claim previously unoccupied space from its surroundings. 当它膨胀时,并不必先要求周围要有尚未佔满的空间。
3. "Yes, m-my Lord, " gasped a small man halfway down the table, who had been sitting so low in his chair that it had appeared, at first glance, to be unoccupied. “是的,我——我的王,”桌子下一个小人气喘吁吁地在半路,当然出现时,他在他的凳子上坐下后显得特别低,粗略一瞥,就像没有人坐在那里一样。
1. not held or filled or in use
2. not seized and controlled
3. not leased to or occupied by a tenant