twilight 指日落后或日出前的微明,但通常侧重于前者。 dawn 指天刚亮时的黎明,可作引申用。 dusk 指接近夜晚的黄昏时刻。
1. At the twilight light night. 在暮色淡淡的夜晚。
2. She often sits in the garden at twilight. 黄昏时分她常常坐在花园里。
3. The cuckoo ceases its warbling at twilight. 在黄昏杜鹃停止了它的啼鸣。
1. the time of day immediately following sunset
2. the diffused light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon but its rays are refracted by the
3. a condition of decline following successes adj.
1. lighted by or as if by twilight