1. He spread his wings and flew a-way, Tweet, tweet, twee! 他张开他的翅膀飞走了,啾,啾,啾!
2. "Aha, let me show you my soaps", zegt Lin. En hij part er twee doosjes bij. 啊哈,让我给你看我的香皂“,长毛说著就脱下了自己的裤子(恶搞,没有这一段啦,是拿出两箱香皂)。
3. My first experience of Prana Flow came through a teacher training with Twee Merrigan, who has studied with Shiva for seven years. 我第一次能量流的体验是在TweeMerrigan的教练培训上,她跟随Shiva学习了7年。