1. Of, relating to, or containing a pleasing succession of sounds; tuneful. 音调悦耳的,有连续的悦耳音响的,与其有关的;
2. And with this, all the sorrow and joy of human life will turn into a sweet song, happy, tuneful, and melodious. 和接着,人的生命全部伤心和高兴将进入和谐的首愉快的甜的歌,旋律的。
3. Anyway, all hotel guests and members will easy to find they favorite sports and feel the tuneful atmosphere in Health Club of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao. 总之,无论是会员还是住客,在万豪虹桥大酒店健康中心都能感觉到健康的氛围和喜欢的运动。
1. having a musical sound; especially a pleasing tune