1. You see a solitary troglodyte robbing the body of a bandit, but you're too far away to run the creature off. 你看到一个单独的穴居人正在抢夺一个盗贼,但是你离得太远了而无法赶走它。
2. When you pick up the Helm of Seeing, you finally understand why the blind troglodyte would find it worthless. 当你拾起来视觉头盔后,你终于明白为什么看不见的穴居人会认为它一无所值。
3. This is the most outstanding, intact example of a troglodyte settlement in the Mediterranean region, perfectly adapted to its terrain and ecosystem. 马泰拉位于意大利巴西利卡塔地区的南部,是地中海地区保存最为完好、典型的史前穴居人定居点。
1. one who lives in solitude
2. someone who lives in a cave