1. Spirit is admittedly laudable, but besides passion and impulse, more important is train of thought, train of thought decides an outlet, train of thought is wrong, everything will be become theoretic. 精神固然可嘉,但是除了激情和冲动之外,更重要的是思路,思路决定出路,思路错了,一切将成为空谈。
2. The idiosyncratic thought includes the formatting thought, the transpositional thought, the macroscopical thought and the particular innovative thought. 这种思维方式主要有格式化思维、位式思维、体性思维以及具有自身鲜明特点的创新性思维。
3. Its develop train of thought is worth affirmation below current condition, developing train of thought accord with a net to fill oneself dominant position. 其发展思路在当前的形势下是值得肯定的,发展思路是符合网盛自身优势的。
4. Public officials in the poverty-striken mountainous areas can quicken their paces to be out of poverty only by forwarding thought, spreading thought, opening thought and humanistic thought. 贫困山区领导干部只有具备超前思维方式、 发散思维 方式、开放思维方式和人本论的思维方式,才有可能加速其脱贫步伐。
5. Public officials in the poverty-striken mountainous areas can quicken their paces to be out of poverty only by forwarding thought, spreading thought, opening thought and humanistic thought. 贫困山区领导干部只有具备超前思维方式、发散思维方式、开放思维方式和人本论的思维方式,才有可能加速其脱贫步伐。
as quick as thought lickety-split quick as thought 极快地;
as quick as thought lickety-split quick as thought 极快地;
as quick as thought lickety-split quick as thought 极快地;
Walk on thought the wind walk on thought the wind 穿过狂风 穿过暴雨;
The Train of Thought and Strategy for the Development of Little Rain Fed Industry 小杂粮食品产业的发展思路与对策;