1. In the sex-war thoughtlessness is the weapon of the male, vindictiveness of the female. 在两性战争中,男人的武器是鲁莽,女人的武器是报复。
2. Because rude behavior in children is more often the result of thoughtlessness than of deliberate aggression. 孩子的粗鲁行为常常是不在意的结果,而不是出于故意。
3. Because rude behavior in children is more often the thoughtlessness than of deliberate aggression, criticism, namecalling and orders only make a child angry and defensive. 孩子的不礼貌行为往往是缺乏考虑的结果,而不是故意冒犯别人,批评辱骂和命令只会使他们恼怒,产生抵触情绪。
1. the quality of failing to be considerate of others
2. the trait of not thinking carefully before acting