1. Teetotal, but partial to indulging in chocolate and desserts, he has recently lost weight. 尽管戒了酒,但偏爱狂吃巧克力和甜点,萨科奇的体重近来有所减少。
2. Similarly, the IQ of women drinkers showed an improvement of 2. 5 points over their teetotal sisters. 同样,饮酒的妇女智商比那些完全不喝酒的妇女要高2。5个百分点。
3. Teetotal The charge for entrance to such fashionable gardens as Vauxhall or Ranalagh Gardens included tea with bread and butter, a welcome refreshment after the entertainment. 抵制酒类一开始,霍克斯唐和瑞纳拉花园等一些美丽优雅的乡村之会为人们提供一些茶饮、面包和黄油以作欢迎。
1. practice teetotalism and abstain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages
2. practicing complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages