1. and without ascending the stairs the guide conducted him by a subterraneous passage to another entrance. 向导说,他不上楼梯,领着伯爵从一条地道走到另一间黑牢的门口。
2. The place the Beanes inhabited stretched nearly a mile underground, and when the tide came in, the water went into their subterraneous hideout nearly 200 yards. 比恩一家居住在距离地表一英里的地方,当潮汐进入,海水会淹没他们的地下藏身处将近200码的距离。
3. Edmond inserted his lever in the ring and exerted all his strength; the flag-stone yielded, and disclosed steps that descended until they were lost in the obscurity of a subterraneous grotto. 爱德蒙把他的撬棒插进铁环里,用尽全力一撬,大石板掀开了,露出了一个地下岩洞,洞口有象楼梯似的石级,一直向下延伸而去,直至消失在黑暗里。
1. being or operating under the surface of the earth
2. lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberat