1. Other symptoms can include stunted growth and a ferret like facial appearance. 其他症状包括发育不良和出现鼬样的面部表情。
2. PALE and haggard faces, lank and bony figures…boys of stunted growth, and others whose long meagre legs would hardly bear their stooping bodies. 脸色苍白,精神憔悴,瘦骨嶙峋……身材矮小的男孩子,而另一些孩子细长的双腿难以支撑他们劳作的身体。
3. Agriculture officials say the heavy rains this season have damaged or stunted the crop of many competitive growers of giant pumpkins. Central and southeastern Massachusetts were the hardest hit. 农业部官员表示,今年雨水多破坏或影响了许多具有竞争力的种植者的南瓜的生长。马赛诸塞州中部和南部受灾最严重。