1. Equip: Reduces the cooldown of your Strangulate by 5 seconds. 手套装备:使你的绞杀冷却时间降低5秒…
2. Strangulate -- Depletes all Runic Power, dealing minor damage and silencing the target for up to 5 seconds. 消耗所有的符文能量,造成少量伤害并使对方沉默最多5秒。
3. The same is true of both Strangulate and Mind Freeze. Strangulate's cooldown is going to go up. Mind Freeze remains the quick interrupt. 绞杀以及思维冻结重复了,绞杀旳冷却将提高,思维冻结则是快速旳打断技。
1. kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air
2. constrict a hollow organ or vessel so as to stop the flow of blood or air
3. become constricted