1. The ginkgo powder has the characteristics of faint yellow color, uniform texture and good soakage. 银杏粉产品具有色泽淡黄、质地均匀、冲调性好的特点。
2. Methods: By single-factor experiment, quantity of water, degree of crush, time of extraction and soakage and the part of medicinal materials were studied. 方法:以挥发油所得量为评价指标,采用单因素比较法对提取过程中的加水量、药材粉碎度、提取时间、浸润时间及药材提取部位等进行了全面比较。
3. the article introduce a wine research process. It is a healthy, composite and nutritious wine which is blended and brewed by ferment cider and chinese gooseberry alcohol soakage. 介绍了发酵苹果酒与猕猴桃乙醇浸提液经勾兑、调配制成具有保健作用的复合型营养果酒的研制过程。
1. the process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other