2. The remedial method with the most effective what can cure chronic snuff. . 有什么最有效的治疗方法可以治好慢性鼻烟…
3. Poor: Smoking not usually restricted to designated areas. Chewing tobacco and/or snuff used in the plant. 差:吸烟通常不限制在规定的区域内,在厂内在厂房内不许嚼和吸食烟草。
1. the charred portion of a candlewick
2. a pinch of smokeless tobacco inhaled at a single time
3. finely powdered tobacco for sniffing up the nose
4. sensing an odor by inhaling through the nose v.
1. sniff or smell inquiringly
2. inhale audibly through the nose adj.
1. snuff colored; of a greyish to yellowish brown