1. On Earth the highest snow-covered Mount Everest, standing quietly in Tingri County in the Tibet-Nepal Border Service. 地球上最高的珠穆朗玛峰冰雪覆盖,静静的矗立在西藏定日县中尼边境处。
2. He hated to think of the snow-covered Christmas morning and no table richly piled with what their young hearts would most desire. 想起下雪的圣诞早晨,家中桌子上头没有满满堆着使孩子们称心如意的物件,他就觉得痛心了。
3. While the winter months in Switzerland's main cities can be foggy, cold, and rainy, the mountains often boast the idyllic snow-covered image seen on many postcards. 尽管瑞士的冬天许多城市是浓雾弥漫,寒冷,和多雨的,山脉地域经常是明信片上的田园诗般的白雪皑皑的景象。