1. If this page showing less then 2 results, please do REFRESH! 如果此页显示少于2个结果,请刷新页面!
2. Using a plotter as the output, she gets a drawing, actually a map, showing the route chosen by the computer. 使用绘图仪作为输出,她得到一张图纸,实际上是一张地图,显示着电脑选择的路线。
3. That process is one of the most hopeful things that is happening in the world today, showing that the hurts of history can be healed. 北爱尔兰的和平进程,是现今世界最令人充满希望的重大事件之一,显示出历史的创伤是可以治愈的。
1. the display of a motion picture
2. something shown to the public