2. "His record of public service is untouched by any stain of shadiness or sleaze"( -- James J. Kilpatrick. “他的公共服务记录没有任何污点或不名誉之事”(--詹姆斯J。科尔帕里克。
3. Shining and attractive! Feeling it, just like softness wind, nature and kindness! Just like a flower which dispark with shadiness, reveal its redolence! 熠熠闪光,摄人心神!感觉就像一缕温柔的风,沁人肺腑、温馨自然!犹如暧昧中透出薄雾的晨花,吐露芬芳!
1. relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body
2. of questionable honesty or legality